As we get closer to the 2024 election, data shows that more and more Americans are identifying as Republicans and that includes a trend toward the GOP with Hispanics
No less than the left-leaning New York Times reported this week, "In the run-up to the 2020 election, more voters across the country identified as Democrats than Republicans. But four years into Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s presidency, that gap has shrunk, and the United States now sits almost evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans."
Things are changing. The Times continued, "Republicans have made significant gains among voters without a college degree, rural voters and white evangelical voters, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center. At the same time, Democrats have held onto key constituencies, such as [b]lack voters and younger voters, and have gained ground with college-educated voters."
The story noted that there has been a shift in the Republican Party's base since the Obama era.
"The G.O.P. has long struggled with the fact that there have generally been fewer Americans who identified as Republicans than as Democrats. After Barack Obama was re-elected as president in 2012, the Republican Party produced an autopsy report that concluded that in order to be successful in future elections, the party would need to widen its tent to include Black and Hispanic voters, who were not traditionally aligned with the G.O.P."
"Twelve years later, the party has made some small gains with Hispanic voters," the Times observed. "But it is growth with the white working class and with rural voters that has propelled Republicans to equity with Democrats."
Donald Trump has actually received more black and Hispanic support than any most modern Republican presidential candidates.
A NYT poll in March showed that Trump's support among black voters went from 4% originally to 23% today.
That's quite a jump.
Obviously these voters have historically been key parts of the Democratic coalition. This isn't great news for Joe Biden and his party.