Your blast of infotainment from ForAmerica.
Certainly feels that way.
This week... the House Freedom Caucus held a press conference to take the DC swamp to task with their official position, #NoSecurityNoFunding - they refuse to fund the government without at least securing the border. While House Speaker Kevin McCarthy seems committed to losing, conservatives are tired of funding our own demise. Finally, Hunter Biden was indicted... only problem is that it is on the only charge that doesn't implicate Joe Biden, and potentially protects Hunter from certain requirements to testify in front of Congress. Meanwhile, the southern border is such a disaster that even Leftist New York Mayor Eric Adams is complaining about the immigration crisis. Once again: no security, no funding!
ForAmerica's Show with David Bozell (this week's five-minute rundown...)

MONEYLINE: "We are funding our own demise; the Republicans are funding their own demise politically, conservatives are funding our own demise from a policy perspective. It has to stop. We were promised it would stop. That should be the mantra of every serious member of Congress."
ForAmerica viral X video of Rep. Chip Roy saying, "...the American people and the people suffering at home expect us to do our job." No Security? No Funding. Rep. Scott Perry tags ForAmerica in his Facebook post about how he is fighting for his constituents International Organization for Migration finds US-Mexico Border Is World's Deadliest Land Migration Route

This week's demands... Let's Cut Some Spending: Billions to pay for empty government buildings Let's Cut Some Spending: Biden's staff biggest in history Let's Cut Some Spending: $9.7 million wasted by the ATF Let's Cut Some Spending: IRS and EPA spend billions on guns and ammo Let's Cut Some Spending: $1.3 billion to Russia and China
#Breaking: Speaker McCarthy announces impeachment inquiry against President Biden and lists allegations of 'abuse of power, obstruction and corruption' The economy is up in flames...Biden doesn't care Biden promised no new IRS audits for those making below $400K. HE LIED! Chris Plante shares ForAmerica's video of the IRS attacking working Americans
The Woke Military CANCELS "Sound of Freedom" Jesus, Take the Wheel: "This is a drag queen that the Biden admin hired to try to recruit servicemembers." Jesus, Take the Wheel: They're Coming for Your Kids Jesus, Take the Wheel: 3 Polyamorous Parents, 2 Gender Confused Kids

JOE MUST GO! Yard & Rally Sign
10% off, IF your name is "Joe" or "Brandon"
Width: 24"
Height: 18"
ForAmerica believes in guaranteed constitutional rights, including the right to life at every stage of life. We believe America should have unlimited education and economic opportunities. We believe America should be energy independent using American resources. We demand the freedom to speak and practice our faith. We will accept nothing less than fair and honest elections, and a government that is transparent, accountable, and stays off the backs of the American people as much as possible. The key objective of ForAmerica is to deliver wins the cultural, electoral, and legislative fronts. When ForAmerica engages, America wins. Never, ever, give the Left a free day.
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