Your Weekly Blast of Infotainment
Happy weekend! Remember...as you read this CANNON and all future editions, don't get angry. Get determined. Each meme is a Call to Action (CTA) for America. We must stand up and call out the absurdity of the Left - NEVER GIVE THE LEFT A FREE DAY!
💥 The State of the Union is Terrible: On Tuesday, Joe Biden or Joe "Lie-den" delivered the State of the Union address in front of Congress where he took the opportunity to spout lies, nonsense, and tout his failures as if they were achievements. Among the most egregious, Biden declared that "some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset," prompting the Republicans in the chamber to boo and shout at the President's lie. Biden also described the economy, immigration, and other important topics with seemingly no regard for the truth. Additionally, the President took the opportunity to call for a ban on assault weapons. Plus, he reminded the country of his anti-life stance, saying he will veto any bills from Congress that would restrict abortion.
🗞️ Let's Clear the Air Before Biden Lies About the State of the Union: We all knew Biden was going to lie, but how many knew what he would lie about? Take a look at our foretelling blog from Monday:
To hear more from us on other topics, listen and read here.
🕚 Just a Few More CTAs...
👀 What's Ahead Next Week: The House of Representatives is set to be out of session and will return for their next DC work period on Monday, February 27, but there is plenty to expect this week. On Wednesday, former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley plans to announce her run for president in 2024 at a rally in South Carolina. Early polling prospects are slim for her, but she will join a growing field of candidates preparing to challenge Trump for the Republican nomination. With continued provocation from China, the U.S. has now shot down two spy vessels over American airspace. Coupled with the reports of green lasers over Hawaii, be on the look out for more of these conflicts as the Biden administration continues to show weakness abroad.
The Left doesn't stop, so neither do we! NEVER GIVE THE LEFT A FREE DAY!
Until next time... The ForAmerica Team
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