On the Wednesday morning after Donald Trump handily won the 2024 presidential election, picking up a significant increase in black and Latino voters, particularly men, Joe Scarborough had a message for racial minorities who voted for the next president.
You're racist. And misogynists.
You can't make this up.
The MSNBC co-host, an apparent expert on racial minorities, said a lot of black men and Hispanic men have “race issues” and “misogyny.”
MSNBC contributor Al Sharpton said first, “We cannot ignore that there’s still a lot of racism and gender bias in this country. I think for us to ignore that and not try to bring that front and center so we can heal that would mean that we would end up in the same place."
"Kamala Harris is a woman of color in an interracial marriage running as a woman to be the head of state. That is something a lot of Americans are not ready to deal with," Sharpton added.
Scarborough replied (emphasis added), “It is not just misogyny from white men, it’s misogyny from black men, things we have all been talking about, who do not want a woman leading them. It might be race issues with Hispanics, they don’t want a black woman as President of the United States."
He said this based on no data. He just said it.
Scarborough continued, "You know, the Democratic Party, I’ve always found when you’re sitting around talking, they love to just sort of Balkanize everybody into separate groups saying white women don’t like black. No, it is time for the Democrats to say okay, and you and I have talked about this before. a lot of Hispanic voters have problems with black candidates.”
How does Scarborough know this? Or is this Trump deranged MSNBC just spouting off nonsense in his fit of rage over Harris losing.
Sharpton responded to Scarborbough, “Right and with other Hispanics. You’ve got some that don’t like each other. And some of the most misogynist things I heard in the get out the vote tour came from black, I mean misogynist things. You’re absolutely right it’s not simplistic and we have to have real honest conversations.”
If you thought MSNBC couldn't be any more unhinged...
You ain't seen nothing yet.
They're blaming everything and everyone except that had a lousy candidate.