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In our Let's Cut Some Spending series, ForAmerica chronicles the many ways Washington wastes YOUR tax dollars - and as you’ll see, the list is endless.
Today’s offering: Did we just send $1 billion to Hamas?
Fox Business reports:
The Biden administration has sent more than $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to a Palestinian relief organization that has previously been accused of providing safe harbor to terrorists in Gaza, drawing increased scrutiny amid Hamas' attacks on Israel.
In a report exclusively obtained by FOX Business, watchdog OpenTheBooks.com found that the taxpayer money was sent to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), whose schools were accused in a recent report of being complicit in teaching children to hate Jewish people and praising terrorism.
Critics and watchdog groups also say UNRWA resources may help Hamas with recruitment and storage for weapons, along with other support.
In our Let's Cut Some Spending series, we document every day just how much our government wastes - often just due to lack of oversight.
American dollars going to aid victims of war abroad is a debate worth having. That one cent of American money would even end up in the hands of terrorists it not debatable. That should never happen. Under any circumstances.
Based on its track record, do you think the federal government - THIS White House - can guarantee that our $1 billion in Palestinian relief didn't also benefit Hamas?