This grown woman acts how a child might when you don't play their game the right way. These are not serious people. Serious adults don't get upset that their doctor uses biologically correct terms. Jesus, take the wheel!
No, you are an over weight person who isn't attractive, so to get attention, you come up with special language to make yourself feel important. You are being difficult with your therapist as a way to express dominance and reinforce your imagined power over another person. You have no power. You are an over weight female who is horribly desperate for any attention. Even bad attention. Get a psychiatric therapist, join a gym and stop playing make believe with your imaginary fairies in unicorn land.
No, you are an over weight person who isn't attractive, so to get attention, you come up with special language to make yourself feel important. You are being difficult with your therapist as a way to express dominance and reinforce your imagined power over another person. You have no power. You are an over weight female who is horribly desperate for any attention. Even bad attention. Get a psychiatric therapist, join a gym and stop playing make believe with your imaginary fairies in unicorn land.