Donald Trump promised to secure America's southern border and crack down on illegal immigration if elected.
He has done precisely that.
Border agents have a name for those trying to break into the country who do so without getting caught: "Gotaways."
Apparently there are a lot fewer "gotaways" under this president compared to President Biden.
The New York Post reported late Thursday, "Each day, border agents are spotting an average of 77 illegal migrant 'gotaways,' according to Fox News. Border Patrol agents use surveillance cameras or other surveillance methods to track such crossings."
How big a difference is it with the current situation compared to how things were under the Biden administration?
The report continued, "During the height of the border crisis under the Biden administration, an average of more than 1,800 illegal migrant gotaways were recorded sneaking through each day."
"That marks a 95% drop," the Post noted.
That's HUGE.
When Biden was president, between October 2022 to September 2023, over 670,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border and escaped authorities.
With this new success, Border Patrol now hopes they can bring the "gotaway" number down to zero.
“We have the manpower to do our job again so the numbers make sense but then again there are still a lot of gotaways that are never reported,” the Border Patrol source told the Post.
Some have noted that this is just one more success in a considerable list of wins for Trump.
Concerns about the United States' broken border topped many voters' concerns in the 2024 presidential election.
President Biden did not lift a finger to fix the problem. So called "border czar" Kamala Harris didn't either as vice president, and that's also what we should have expected from her if she had won the White House.
Thankfully that didn't happen.
And thankfully, we finally have a president who understands the importance of national security and sovereignty.