Tonight, ForAmerica congratulates Senator Mike Lee on winning his re-election to the U.S. Senate to represent Utah. ForAmerica had previously endorsed Lee.

Lee won a hard fought race against a nationally-backed Democrat-in-disguise parading as an ‘independent’ by presenting a strong conservative platform that more accurately reflected Utah’s values. Lee’s Senate record is second-to-none in standing up for life, liberty, and constitutional government. Expect him to continue to fight for these principles as valiantly as he always has.
ForAmerica President David Bozell said:
Mike Lee won this primary reminding Utah voters who he truly is, a principled conservative who is not afraid to go against big spending, anti-liberty majority in Washington. Whether it is the Second Amendment, the right to life, religious liberty, or constitutional rights, Mike is always there fighting in the trenches for what’s right. ForAmerica has been proud to support him throughout his campaign.
Lee has been and will continue to be a crucial Republican leader in taking on the Democrats’ dangerous schemes, now more than ever.
Bozell added:
Mike is a good example of the kind of Republican leadership we need in the Senate to fight the Biden administration's radical agenda.
The new Congress will convene on January 3rd. Congratulations to Senator Mike Lee in his important victory.
ForAmerica believes in guaranteed constitutional rights, including the right to life at every stage of life. We believe America should have unlimited education and economic opportunities. We believe America should be energy independent using American resources. We demand the freedom to speak and practice our faith. We will accept nothing less than fair and honest elections, and a government that is transparent, accountable, and stays off the backs of the American people as much as possible.