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Ex-CNN Analyst Says Kamala Could Lose Due to ‘Risk-Averse’ Strategy

Screenshot/Chris Cillizza X

Kamala Harris is a Democrat running for president of the United States. When someone runs for that high office, they usually do multiple interviews so voters can get to know them.

To date, Harris has done very few interviews and virtually no hard ones.

According to former CNN analyst Chris Cillizza, this strategy could cost her the election.

Cillizza says that with her opponent, Donald Trump, being available and high profile, Team Harris's strategy of keeping Harris hidden could backfire.

He even compared her campaign taking votes for granted to Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign.

“I think it might be a winning political strategy, but if we look back and Kamala Harris does lose this race to Donald Trump — and I think she could — I think we will look back and say they were too risk-averse,” Cillizza said.

He continued, “That the theory of the Harris campaign was, ‘All we have to do is … meet a low bar of credibility to be an alternative to Donald Trump. That people are not going to vote for that guy, and so it’s a binary choice. If they’re not going to vote for A, they got to vote for B, and Kamala Harris is B.'”

Then came the Clinton comparison.

“That may work. The only thing I will say is it does remind me a little bit of eight years ago," Cillizza said. "That was the working theory behind Hillary Clinton’s campaign: that people were not ultimately going to vote for Donald Trump, so even if they didn’t love Hillary Clinton, they weren’t going to vote for... Trump, and therefore, again, binary choice, you vote for the other person, which would have been Clinton.“

"We know how that turned out, right?" Cillizza asked. "Clinton was risk-averse. I mean, she is risk-averse by nature, the campaign reflected that, she was risk-averse. They didn’t do all that much on the offensive end; they mostly played defense just because they thought if they just ran out the clock, they would win."

"She obviously didn’t win that election,” he observed.

According to the latest RealClearPolitics national polling, Harris is currently leading Trump but only by two points.

That's too close to call. This is likely to be a very close election.

With Republican Donald Trump talking to everyone, anywhere...

And Democrat Kamala Harris hiding from media and voters.

Maybe to her detriment.


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