In case you missed it, President Joe Biden called Donald Trump supporters "garbage" on Tuesday.
See for yourself:
This nasty line from the president has threatened Democrat Kamala Harris's campaign so much that Democrats now want to pretend it never happened. That Biden really didn't say what anyone can see and hear with their own eyes and ears.
Of course that includes CNN panelists.
Republican panelist Scott Jennings appeared on CNN along with host Abby Phillip on Wednesday to discuss two primary things: why did Biden made his comments at the exact same time as Harris and what did Biden actually say.
While others tried to sneak past it.
“Let me just accept the most charitable framing of this, which you just gave,” Jennings began. “Why is he sitting in front of a laptop exactly at the same moment Kamala Harris is out on his backyard trying to give the closing argument to her campaign? What in the world is he doing?”
Jennings continued, “Now, I don’t accept your framing of it personally, because I actually do believe he, Harris, the Democratic Party, and most of their campaign do believe that half the country is garbage.“
"They’ve also said that people who go to Trump rallies are Nazis. And so it’s pretty apparent the disdain with which they hold half of the country," he added.
CNN panelists insisted that was not true.
“But as a tactical matter today,” he persisted, “Why in the world is Joe Biden giving remarks at the same time as Kamala Harris?”
Harris is trying to distance herself from Biden's remark, saying on Wednesday, "I strongly disagree with any criticism of people based on who they vote for.”
Will that work for Kamala Harris? Who knows. Time will tell.
"Time" being less than a week.
Joe Biden said what he said. And everybody knows it.