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Clinton Pollster Says Biased ABC News Jeopardizes Future Debates


The ABC News debate on Tuesday was clearly heavily biased in favor of Kamala Harris and against Donald Trump.

Trump was fact-checked over and over again, whereas Harris - who was saying many things that were untrue - was not fact-checked once.

This open hostility to Trump bothers former Clinton pollster Mark Penn, who criticized the moderators, Linsey Davis and David Muir, saying what they did could be a danger to any future debates.

“I’m really concerned about what ABC did," Penn said on Fox News Thursday. "When the refs put their finger on the scale, you’ve gotta throw out the score of the game.”

A very fair point.

And remember, this is a guy from Team Hillary Clinton, no Republican.

“What would have happened in that debate had they challenged Harris and said ‘you know, that’s not right what you said there about Charlottesville.’ We don’t know how she would have reacted, and then Trump wouldn’t have had to spend all his time on the defensive," he said.

Penn added, "I think they did a real disservice to the voters of America when they did that and they put in jeopardy the institutions of debate.”

A real disservice indeed.

The first debate, between Trump and Joe Biden, was hosted by CNN. Their hosts did a fair job that night and without the barrage of "fact-checks."

They let each candidate have their say and let viewers decided.

Even CNN blasted ABC News for their harsh bias against Trump.

Trump is saying there will not be a third debate and who can blame him after walking into such an ambush.

But we have learned one thing: CNN can hold a competent and professional debate and ABC News cannot.

No Republican presidential candidate in the future should agree to a debate hosted by ABC News.


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