Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
Remember when President Joe Biden made his Vice President Kamala Harris 'border czar?'
And then she did virtually nothing?
America's illegal immigration problem is as bad as it's ever been without this administration lifting a finger to solve the problem.
And it's doing great damage to Americans.
Deadly damage. Reports Baton Rouge, Louisiana's WBRZ 2, "A teenager was arrested early Sunday morning after he was reportedly driving while intoxicated, leading to a crash that killed two more teens and injured others."
"Louisiana State Police responded to the crash on Highway 3090 around 1 a.m. Sunday. An investigation found that Axel Flores-Cordova, 18, was driving south on the highway. Rylan Ocale, 18, was driving north on the highway at the same time," the report detailed. "Flores-Cordova reportedly crossed the center line into the path of Ocale's vehicle, but tried to steer right to correct himself; Oncale tried to steer left to avoid a collision, and the vehicle struck each other head-on."
Flores-Cardova was a Honduran national with no license.
It continued, "Oncale sustained severe injuries and was taken to a hospital where he later died. The front passenger in his vehicle, 18-year-old Taliyah Crochet, also died at the scene. Two other teenagers in the back passenger seats were also injured."
The report noted, "A breath test troopers performed on Flores-Cordova found his BAC was nearly seven times over the underage legal limit."
This should have never happened because this person should have never been in the country.
Devin Deen, Crochet's mother, said, "It's just so hard, these kids work so hard, so hard for 18-year-olds, they had such old souls... And now it's all just gone, and I am having such a hard time grasping the fact that like it's really just over. Like, they're gone."
But they didn't have to be. Any American who has been harmed by an illegal alien in this country has someone to blame - and its leaders who can't seem to keep these people from breaking into the United States. This was the job of the Biden administration. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is to blame as well.
One thing should be crystal clear: Kamala Harris was no border czar. She completely failed. She certainly should never be president after such dereliction of duty.
And two young people might still be with us today if the vice president had only done her job.