Left-leaning comedian Bill Maher recently had some choice words for his fellow leftists who cut off or shut out family members over the holidays simply because they disagree politically.
"It's so funny you mention that because, like today, we live in this time when you're not allowed to have friends from the other side or cross lines politically," Maher told his guest, Jay Leno. "And I forgot that there's an example of that way back when, a guy who crossed lines politically. ‘Ooh, the worst thing you could ever do — be friends with a Republican. Ahh! Call 911!'"
Maher made his remarks on his "Club Random" podcast released on Sunday.
"This is what I (expletive) hate about the left," Maher continued. "And they're not going to get me over to the Trump side, which they think they will sometimes, but just the idea that, you know, ‘cut your family off for Thanksgiving if they voted for the wrong guy.'"
Maher then used some choice words - to say the least - to tell Democrats who think like this to go to hell.
Maher and Leno discussed how in some ways, this was nothing new. They cited the time Sammy Davis, Jr. hugged President Richard Nixon, receiving a lot of criticism from the left.
"And Sammy — when he hugged Nixon, he was ostracized by the left a lot. That was an early harbinger of that."
Leno noted that many on the left viewed David Jr. as a "traitor" after the incident for daring to hug the Republican president.
This is not a new criticism from Maher.
When Yale University chief psychiatry resident Dr. Amanda Calhoun told MSNBC's Joy Reid that it was okay to cut off relatives who voted for Trump during the holidays, Maher laid into her.
"Oh, how pure. It's like not letting certain people sit with you on the bus," Maher said as a photo of civil rights icon Rosa Parks was shown. Think about that, a mental health professional advising people to isolate during the holidays."
"And don't forget to drink too much and put on weight," he added, last month on his HBO program 'Real Time.'
"You know who I really wouldn't want to have Thanksgiving dinner with?" he asked. "This overly educated i.e. extremely stupid, Ivory Tower academic, but I would because if we ever want this nation to heal, this is what we have to do, force ourselves to reach out and find out why someone feels the way they do, and make the choices they make without prejudging them a monster."
"And they must do the same for you," Maher added.
So if any conservatives reading this had to suffer through this kind of intolerance over Christmas, perhaps share Bill Maher's thoughts on the subject with them as a reminder of just how small and petty this behavior is.
Some of them apparently need to hear it.